Monday, March 28, 2016

Meeting Call - April 5, 2016

P.O. Box 7079 
Charlottesville, Va. 22901 


I, Barbara E. Null, as Chairman of the Charlottesville Republican Committee, do hereby call for a meeting of the Charlottesville Republican Committee to be held on:

Tuesday, April 05, 2016, 7PM
Main Library- Meeting Room
201 E. Market St.
Charlottesville, Va. 22902

The Agenda shall be as follows:

Call to Order


Pledge of Allegiance

Secretary’s Attendance Report

Secretary’s Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Old Business

New Business

Election of officers of the committee:
1. Secretary
2. Treasurer
3. Vice-Chair- Precincts
4. Vice-Chair- Issues
5. Vice-Chair- Events

April fundraiser information

Election of new members

Tentative meeting dates for 2016

Any other appropriate business & comments


Paid for and authorized by the Charlottesville Republican Committee.

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