Monday, March 10, 2008

Official Call for Mass Meeting

Mass Meeting
Charlottesville Committee
Republican Party of Virginia

As Chairman of the Charlottesville Committee of the Republican Party, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, Charles L. Weber, Jr., do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at Charlottesville General District Court, 606 East Market Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902, starting at 3:00 P.M. local time on March 29, 2008 for the following purposes:

a) Electing up to sixty (60) Delegates to carry twelve (12) delegate votes to the 5th Congressional District Convention, to be held on April 26, 2008 at Hampden-Sydney College, beginning at 10:00 A.M. for the purposes of

(1) electing three delegates and three alternate delegates to the Republican National Convention beginning on September 1, 2008;
(2) nominating one elector to be voted for in the Presidential election on November 4, 2008;
(3) electing a District Chairman of the Republican Party for the 5th Congressional District;
(4) electing three members of the State Central Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia;

b) Electing up to one hundred twenty (120) Delegates to carry twenty four (24) delegate votes to the Republican Party of Virginia Convention, to be held on May 30-31, 2008 at Richmond Convention Center, beginning at 2:00 P.M. on May 30, 2008 for the purposes of

(1) nominating a candidate for United States Senate;
(2) electing at-large Delegates to the National Convention to nominate a candidate for President;
(3) electing a State Chairman and National Committeeman and Committeewoman.

c) Electing a Unit Chairman and members of the Charlottesville Republican Committee;

d) For the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the mass meeting.

Qualifications for Participation

All legal and qualified voters of the City of Charlottesville under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, regardless of race, religion, national origin or sex, who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and who, if requested, express in open meeting either orally or in writing as may be required, their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the ensuing election, may participate as members of the Republican Party of Virginia in this mass meeting.

Filing Requirements

Candidates for election as Unit Chairman and those proposing resolutions to be adopted at said mass meeting shall file a written statement by mail or in person, to Robert Schilling, 1406 Holly Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 which must be received or postmarked not later than 5:00 P.M., March 17, 2008.

Candidates for the election of Delegates to the 5th Congressional District Convention or to the Republican Party of Virginia Convention may file a written statement with Robert Schilling at any time prior to said mass meeting. Such statements may be delivered to Mr. Schilling at the door. Candidates who have filed in advance need not be present at the mass meeting in order to have their candidacy considered.

Registration Fee

There will be no registration fee to participate in this mass meeting.

Paid for and authorized by the Charlottesville Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia.